Mr. LT and I went on
vacation to Puerto Vallarta and though I could spend all day talking to you of
how beautiful and relaxing it was (and it was) how boring for you!
Now back to work and
beyond dull where even my imaginative mind is wallowing in boredom and can’t manage
to pull itself up to come up with something remotely pithy to put on this site
to delight you. Oww, that hurt my brain.
To make matters even
worse, my traitorous Sis decided to go on an Alaska cruise with her husband to
celebrate their 20 years together. The jury is still out on him but don’t tell
I tried to start a
conversation with Siri but she kept telling me she didn’t understand my
questions. No one gets me!
How bored can someone be
when all the social media sites and YouTube and Pintrest and the list goes on,
have become not worth the effort? Exactly, right?
I have watched the
progress made by the men outside. Yes, they finally made some progress however
miniscule. So currently I am listening to the pounding and crunching of very
large machinery destroying concrete and soon part of my building on top of the
soul destroying boredom.
On a happy note I think I will
get a pedicure at lunch! Might as well make someone’s day fun!